Dr Maxine Tostevin

BSc(HONS) DClinPsy, C Psychol
Registered Clinical Psychologist

Dr Maxine Tostevin is a Registered Clinical Psychologist and works as a consultant psychologist with children, parents and families.  Maxine has worked in this field now for 18 years and has developed her skills to offer a range of assessments and therapeutic interventions.  Working with children where there has been trauma or abuse is a specialism that Maxine continues to build, particularly working with foster carers and adoptive parents.  Maxine has also more recently been involved with developing services for children affected by Child Sexual Exploitation.  

If you would like to know more about Maxine’s work and professional background, please get in touch.


An assessment is almost always undertaken to work out what is needed. There are different types of assessment depending on what it is you are concerned about.


There are many different types of therapy and it is important that you are offered the right type of therapy.


You can request a ‘one-off’ appointment or a set of appointments to ask advice and consider what other sources of support might be helpful.


Psychologists and other professionals can ask for supervision either about a specific issue or as part of an ongoing process, ensuring that working practice is good.


Training can be developed specially for your audience. Training is always interactive and engaging.